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Offer & Contract Review

We put your software contracts through their paces.

Once a CRM system has been selected, the next step is to negotiate a contract with the CRM software vendor and the implementation partner.

The content of these negotiations is then documented in an offer or contract.
Even though we are not lawyers, we know the pitfalls in contracts and point out unfavorable clauses. 

Negotiation security guaranteed – Our review of software proposals and contracts strengthens your position.

We review your CRM contracts and help you negotiate them.

In our experience, a thorough review has always paid off.

Unfavorable clauses, one-sided terms, or incomplete content in important areas can make working with your implementation partner difficult.

We make sure that there are as few disruptions as possible during and after the project due to unfavorable contracts.

Put an end to hidden costs - Our review of software proposals and contracts creates transparency.